Wednesday, March 07, 2007

26 Bits of Stuff

The Letter A.
1. Are you avaliable? Married I am...
2. What is your age? 29
3. What annoys you? Ignorant People
The Letter B.
1. Do you know anyone named Billy? Yepp... Like 4 of them
2. When is your birthday? Aug 7
3. Who is your best friend? Taradise and The Brettmeister
The Letter C.
1. What's your favorite candy? Fuzzy Peaches
2. Do you curse? All the Fucking time
3. When was the last time you cried? Dunno
The Letter D.
1. Do you daydream? I am right now...
2. What's your favorite kind of dog? Doberman's (Mini and Regular sized)
3. What day of the week is it? Ummm... Wednesday
The Letter E.
1. How do you like your eggs? Unfertilized
2. Have you ever been in the emergency room? Unfortunately Yes
3. What's the easiest thing ever to do? Blink
The Letter F.
1. Have you ever flown in a plane? Nope
2. Do you use fly swatters? If A fly needs to meet it's demise...
3. Have you ever used a foghorn? Yea, they are loud as fuck
The Letter G.
1. Do you chew gum? Yepp
2. Are you a giver or a taker? Both
3. Do you like gummy candies? Yepp... Hence the Fuzzy Peaches
The Letter H.
1. How are you? Can't complain
2. What's your height? 5' 9
3. What's your hair color? Dark Auburn
The Letter I.
1. What's your favorite ice cream? Black Raspberry Cheesecake
2. Have you ever ice skated? Yea, this is Canada
The Letter J.
1. What's your favorite jelly bean? Vanilla Jelly belly's
2. Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke? You betcha
3. Do you wear jewelry? Yeppers
The Letter K.
1. Who do you want to kill? I have.. wanted to .. not actually did the dirty deed (mwahahah)
2. Do you want kids? Not overly
The Letter L.
1. Are you laid back? Yeaaaa baby
2. Do you lie? down yea
The Letter M.
1. What was your favorite movie when you were little? Alice in Wonderland
2. Do you still watch it? Yea... I own it
The Letter N.
1. Do you have a nickname? Abbarooo... Ab... Abbster
2. What's your favorite number? 7 and 69 ;)
3. Do you prefer night over day? usually .. although sunlight is good for ya
The Letter O.
1. What's your one wish? Happiness
2. Are you an only child? nope... one brother
3. Do you wish this was over? kinda.... it's getting long
The Letter P.
1. What fears are you most paranoid about? Sharks really freak me out
The Letter Q.
1. Are you quick to judge people? Sometimes
The Letter R.
1. Do you think you're always right? Silly question... Of Course! lol
2. Do you watch reality TV? Not usually
3. What's a good reason to cry? Breaking a bone
The Letter S.
1. Do you prefer sun or rain? Sun
2. Do you like snow? Yea... Love to ski and snowboard
3. What's your favorite season? Fall
The Letter T.
1. What time is it? 10:11 pm
2. What time did you wake up? Today, umm... 10am ish.. i think
3. When was the last time you slept in a tent? last summer
The Letter U.
1. What is your favorite kind of underwear? For dudes, boxer breifs... for Chicks, thong/g-string
2. Have you ever rode on a unicycle? Tried, unsuccessfully
The Letter V.
1. What's the worst veggie? Brussell Sprouts... they look like green brains
The Letter W.
1. What's your worst habit? I bite my hangnails and smoking
2. Where do you live? Earth
The Letter X.
1. Have you ever had an x-ray? Yepp
2. Have you seen the x-games? Yepp
The Letter Y.
1. Do you like the color yellow? Yepp
2. What year were you born? Antigonish NS
The Letter Z.
1. Do you believe in the zodiac? Sometimes, when it's in my favour lol
2. Favorite zoo animal? Panda Bear... although there aren't many

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