Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Yo Fuckas
Welllllllll... Ms Taradise finally posted something new on her blog... Bout time Biotch!! (You can find the link on here...) Havin a few beers ... ol Ms Becky stopped over tonight, having a good time... Gonna go scope out Slowcoaster tonight... And then Bucketruck and Flush this Saturday night at Hunter's as well...Can't wait... It's been a while since we've gotten to see Flush... Taradise says... "Uhhh..." ....No comment.. Teeheehee....
Oh... To those who haven't heard it... Listen to the song Paralyzer by Finger Eleven... Good tune... Listening to it Right NOW.... haah.
Lata Fuckas...
Till next time...
Signing. out .
Abbarooo and Taradise
:) :)
Yo.... Goin to Slowcoaster tonight at Hunters.... They're a great band, everyone should go ! :)
<3 Moi
<3 Moi
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Another night ...
So... Last night the girls and I ventured out with the best intentions of having "a" drink ... A few big beers and shots later, we're all half in the bag. Had a lot of laughs and as I'm being told today, we were the rowdy table in the bar. Hahah.. go us. Also I have a camera full of pictures that I only sorta remember taking : Most won't be posted, needless to say lol
So, now being Saturday night, we're gonna have a couple of ppl over, have a drink or two. Maybe three or more :) Just waiting on a few to arrive, thought I'd post a little ditty. That's really about it for now. Busy day planned for tomorrow, if I have time I'll post something :) Lata Fuckas
So, now being Saturday night, we're gonna have a couple of ppl over, have a drink or two. Maybe three or more :) Just waiting on a few to arrive, thought I'd post a little ditty. That's really about it for now. Busy day planned for tomorrow, if I have time I'll post something :) Lata Fuckas
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
I Am a Popular Girl Who Wants to Fuck Everyday
I can't help it... These things always crack me up ... LOL.... Leave a message and let me know about you!?!
Pick the 2nd Letter of Your first Name
T- Lesbian
Now the 3rd letter in your middle name(if you dont have one use your last name):
D- Slut
E-Sex machine
N- Alcoholic
R- Beauty queen
S-Prince (ess)
U-Cry Baby
Now What is the Colour of the Shirt that you're wearing:
Red- Who's Good With My Hands
Blue- Who Looks At Porn 24/7
Orange- Who Likes It In The Butt
Yellow- Who Wants To Have Sex With You
Green- Who will do anything for Sex
Pink- Who Will Do Anything For Crack
Purple- Who Will Rock Your World
White- Who everyone wants to fuck
Black- Who wants to fuck everyday
Gray- who gives great head
Other/None-who is a beast
Pick the 2nd Letter of Your first Name
T- Lesbian
Now the 3rd letter in your middle name(if you dont have one use your last name):
D- Slut
E-Sex machine
N- Alcoholic
R- Beauty queen
S-Prince (ess)
U-Cry Baby
Now What is the Colour of the Shirt that you're wearing:
Red- Who's Good With My Hands
Blue- Who Looks At Porn 24/7
Orange- Who Likes It In The Butt
Yellow- Who Wants To Have Sex With You
Green- Who will do anything for Sex
Pink- Who Will Do Anything For Crack
Purple- Who Will Rock Your World
White- Who everyone wants to fuck
Black- Who wants to fuck everyday
Gray- who gives great head
Other/None-who is a beast
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
50 Things About Abbarooo
2. Do you like watching musicals? they're ok
3. What type of bed do you have? Queen
4. Who is the last person who you kissed on the lips? Brett
5. Name 4 items in front of you: Computer, beer bottle, dig camera, ashtray
6. Do you like spiders?They're ok... I have nothing against them
7. Ever heard of DJ Rankin?I'm guessing he's from Cape Breton?
8. Is there a mirror in your room? Yepp
9. Have you ever shown your naked body to a member of the opposite sex? I show Brett all the time... I think he likes it :)
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? Definately
11. What colour top are you wearing?Black.
12. What religion are you a part of? Athiest
13. Do you love music? Always
14. Ever had an internet boyfriend or girlfriend?Nope
15. How old were you when you had your first alcoholic drink? To actually get drunk I was 14
16. What is your favourite part of yourself? My Charming Personality
17. How many messages do you have on your phone right now? I think 2 we haven't deleted
18. Are your parents racist? Nope
19. Have you ever been so drunk you blacked out? Yea... It sucked
20. How many pets do you have? One Killer Kitty Hendrix
21. Do you think babies are cute? Depending on the baby
22. Do you cry easily? Not really
23. If you won a billion dollars, what would be the first thing you'd buy? A LV Bag and Brett's Goldtop
24. Do you want to get married? Already been there.. done that
25. Ever painted your nails black? Yepp.. Yea I'm hardcore lol
26. Who do you really want to be with right now? Nobody, I'm enjoying me
27. Have you had alchohol today? Nope
28. Is there a certain movie you always cry at when you watch it? Ghost.. It fucking gets to me every time
30. Do you think that if you were prettier life would be better? Huh? What kinda question is that??
31. Who always makes you smile? My neice Shannyn
32. Is the light on or off? Right now it is on
33. Can you touch the ceiling? If I jump
34. Do you like south park? It's funny
35. What is the first word that you think of? Of.. Cause I just finished reading the question
36. Ever worn a skirt? I have, yes
37. Does smoking disgust you? Unfortunately no... In fact I kinda like it
38. Do you like someone who you know you shouldn't?
39. Where are you right now? In my apartment
40. Do you like your legs? They get me around
41. Have you ever stayed up for more than 3 days in a row? Yea, but it was induced
42. Are you tired? Yea.. Fucking long ass day... week
43. Would you like to be famous for the rest of your life? No, the Paparazzi would drive me nuts
44. Would you ever like to work at a strip club? Possibly
45. Do you like champagne? Too much
46. Do you listen to certain songs on repeat for hours? At work, with no choice in it
47. How would you like to die? Sky Diving... One quick splat
48. Would you like to meet up with someone you met over the internet? Depending.. do they have people currently residing in their freezer?
49. Don't you just LOVE disney movies? They're ok.. some are funnier than others
50. What are you going to do now that this quiz is over? Prob post it.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Joke of the Day :)
George Bush was visiting a primary school and he visited one of theclasses.They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and theirmeanings.The teacher asked the President if he would like to lead thediscussionon the word "tragedy". So the illustrious leader asked the class foranexample of a "tragedy".One little boy stood up and offered: "If my best friend, who lives on afarm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills him,that would be a tragedy." "No," said Bush, "that would be an accident."A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 childrendrove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.""I'm afraid not," explained the president. "That's what we would call agreat loss."The room went silent. No other children volunteered. Bush searched theroom "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of atragedy?"Finally at the back of the room a small boy raised his hand. In aquietvoice he said: "If 'Air Force One' carrying you and Mrs. Bush wasstruckby a "friendly fire" missile and blown to smithereens, that would be atragedy." "Fantastic!" exclaimed Bush. "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?" "Well," said the boy, "It has to be atragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss, and it probablywouldn'tbe a fucking accident either!"
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Terrible Two's
Two Names People call you:
1. Abbarooo
2. Ab
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now?
1. Cords
2. Tshirt
Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. Love
2. Laughter
Things to do:
1. Drawing
2. Blogging
Two Things You Want At The Moment:
1. Fill this out...
2. Listen to Music
Two pets you had/have:
1. Fish
2. Cat
Two things you did last night:
1. Watched Deal or No Deal
2. Slept
Two People that live in your house:
1. Brett
2. Me
Two things you ate today:
1. Granola Bar
2. Hotdog and Fries
Two people you talked to last :
1. Brett
2. Tara
Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. Working
2. Dunno Yet
Two favorite beverages:
1. Canadian
2. Mountain Dew
Two most recent movies you watched:
1. Marie Antionette
2. Borat
Two of your Best Friends:
1. Brett
2. Taradise
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
26 Bits of Stuff
The Letter A.
1. Are you avaliable? Married I am...
2. What is your age? 29
3. What annoys you? Ignorant People
The Letter B.
1. Do you know anyone named Billy? Yepp... Like 4 of them
2. When is your birthday? Aug 7
3. Who is your best friend? Taradise and The Brettmeister
The Letter C.
1. What's your favorite candy? Fuzzy Peaches
2. Do you curse? All the Fucking time
3. When was the last time you cried? Dunno
The Letter D.
1. Do you daydream? I am right now...
2. What's your favorite kind of dog? Doberman's (Mini and Regular sized)
3. What day of the week is it? Ummm... Wednesday
The Letter E.
1. How do you like your eggs? Unfertilized
2. Have you ever been in the emergency room? Unfortunately Yes
3. What's the easiest thing ever to do? Blink
The Letter F.
1. Have you ever flown in a plane? Nope
2. Do you use fly swatters? If A fly needs to meet it's demise...
3. Have you ever used a foghorn? Yea, they are loud as fuck
The Letter G.
1. Do you chew gum? Yepp
2. Are you a giver or a taker? Both
3. Do you like gummy candies? Yepp... Hence the Fuzzy Peaches
The Letter H.
1. How are you? Can't complain
2. What's your height? 5' 9
3. What's your hair color? Dark Auburn
The Letter I.
1. What's your favorite ice cream? Black Raspberry Cheesecake
2. Have you ever ice skated? Yea, this is Canada
The Letter J.
1. What's your favorite jelly bean? Vanilla Jelly belly's
2. Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke? You betcha
3. Do you wear jewelry? Yeppers
The Letter K.
1. Who do you want to kill? I have.. wanted to .. not actually did the dirty deed (mwahahah)
2. Do you want kids? Not overly
The Letter L.
1. Are you laid back? Yeaaaa baby
2. Do you lie? down yea
The Letter M.
1. What was your favorite movie when you were little? Alice in Wonderland
2. Do you still watch it? Yea... I own it
The Letter N.
1. Do you have a nickname? Abbarooo... Ab... Abbster
2. What's your favorite number? 7 and 69 ;)
3. Do you prefer night over day? usually .. although sunlight is good for ya
The Letter O.
1. What's your one wish? Happiness
2. Are you an only child? nope... one brother
3. Do you wish this was over? kinda.... it's getting long
The Letter P.
1. What fears are you most paranoid about? Sharks really freak me out
The Letter Q.
1. Are you quick to judge people? Sometimes
The Letter R.
1. Do you think you're always right? Silly question... Of Course! lol
2. Do you watch reality TV? Not usually
3. What's a good reason to cry? Breaking a bone
The Letter S.
1. Do you prefer sun or rain? Sun
2. Do you like snow? Yea... Love to ski and snowboard
3. What's your favorite season? Fall
The Letter T.
1. What time is it? 10:11 pm
2. What time did you wake up? Today, umm... 10am ish.. i think
3. When was the last time you slept in a tent? last summer
The Letter U.
1. What is your favorite kind of underwear? For dudes, boxer breifs... for Chicks, thong/g-string
2. Have you ever rode on a unicycle? Tried, unsuccessfully
The Letter V.
1. What's the worst veggie? Brussell Sprouts... they look like green brains
The Letter W.
1. What's your worst habit? I bite my hangnails and smoking
2. Where do you live? Earth
The Letter X.
1. Have you ever had an x-ray? Yepp
2. Have you seen the x-games? Yepp
The Letter Y.
1. Do you like the color yellow? Yepp
2. What year were you born? Antigonish NS
The Letter Z.
1. Do you believe in the zodiac? Sometimes, when it's in my favour lol
2. Favorite zoo animal? Panda Bear... although there aren't many
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
So.... By far Heroes is one of my fav shows on TV right now... Haven't missed an episode yet... Those who haven't seen it, I highly recommend it... It's fucking wicked. I am rather disappointed though, they are on a break till April 23rd... CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! And for those who watch, I'm thinking that Peter is going to take Syler's powers and go fucking ballistic on his ass.... Heh Heh Heh... Gonna be awesome. The count down is on Yo!
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