Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
21 Firsts
2. Who was your first roommate? Jenn Lee
3 What was your first alcoholic beverage? Rum and Coke... still can't drink it to this day
4. What was your first job? Babysitting
5. First Real job? Movie Theater in Antigonish
6. What was your first car? My parents
7. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs Bekkers... she didn' like me... apparently I was "difficult"
8. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Never been on one
9. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? Lisa Salsman... too many times lol
10. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them? Lisa and Lucy were... and yea I'm still friends with them
11. Where was your first sleep over? I don't remember... I think it was at Lucy's
12. Who is the first person you talk to in the morning? Usually Brett or Hendrix
13. Whose wedding were you in the first time? My brother's as a bridesmaid
14. What is the first thing you do in the morning? wakeup
15. What was the first concert you ever went to? Moist (I think)
16. First tattoo or piercing? Tattoo, panda on my right leg 1999... Piercing, ears in 1993ish
17. First celebrity crush? John Stamos on Full House (Uncle Jesse!!)
18. First TRUE love? Brett
19. When was your first detention? We didn't really have detention in my school, but I did get in a bit of trouble from time to time...
20. What was the name of your first pet? Mayo, my fish
21. First kiss? Craig Robar, I was in grade 7.... That was a little while ago...
Thursday, February 22, 2007
You Know You Wanted To Know... :P
1. What time is it? 10:52 pm
2. What is your full name: Abbarooo
3. What are you most afraid of? sharks
4. What is the most recent movie that you have seen in a theater? Ghost Rider... Fucking amazing movie!!!!
5. Have you ever seen a ghost? Not sure... but they do freak me out
6. Where were you born? Antigonish, NS
7. Ever been to Alaska? Nope
8. Ever been toilet papering? Can't say I have, but would be easily convinced to do so :P
9. Loved someone so much it made you cry? Sorta
10. Been in a serious car accident? nope
11. Do you plan to have any (more) children? Not for me thanks... the cat's enough
12. Favourite day of the week? I like Saturday's a whole lot
13. Favourite Restaurant? The Ponderosa... Love their salad bar!!! Yummm!!
14. Favourite color? Blue
15. Favourite sport to watch? Any extreme sports
16. Favourite Ice Cream? Black Raspberry Cheesecake
17. Favourite food at a restaurant? Ummm... Love Chicken Ceasar Salads
18.. What colour is your bedroom carpet? Ugly Blue Apartment Carpet
19. How many times did you fail your driver's test? It's embarassing, but 8 times, and no I'm not joking... and yes I do drive now... scared yet??
20. Who did you get your last e-mail from? Taradise I think...
21. What do you do when you are bored? Ususally fuck around online
22. Bedtime? Varies... between midnight and 9am...
23. Favourite TV show? Heroes... definately then CSI Vegas... and Family Guy Rocks!
24. What are you listening to right now? Buck Cherry - Whiskey in the Morning (Good tune!)
25. How many pets do you have? 1 Cat.. Hendrix the Killer Kitty
26. Which came first the chicken or the egg? That is one smooth bird, so I'd have to say the egg
27. What would you like to accomplish before you die? Go skydiving
28. What time is it now? 11:04 pm
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Joke of the Day :)
A woman walks into an H & R Block Tax accountant's office and tells him that she needs to file her taxes. The accountant says. "Before we begin, I'll need to ask you a few questions." He gets her name, address, social security number, etc. and then asks, "What's your occupation "I'm a whore," she says. The H & R Block accountant is somewhat taken back and says. "No, No, No, that won't work. Let's try to rephrase that. " The woman says, "OK, I'm a high-end call girl." "No, that still won't work. Try again." They both think for a minute; then the woman says, "I'm an elite chicken farmer." The accountant asks, "What does chicken farming have to do with being a prostitute?" "Well, I raised a thousand little peckers last year." .... "Chicken Farmer it is."
I'm Baaack!!

Hey y'all... First off, Sooo sorry for taking so long to post on here... been a little slack, but I've been busy at work, and well, the social life, so.... long story short ... here I am. Back in action bitches.
Some definate good news in the world of Ab, is that I've been just promoted at work. WOOT!! I am now the Queen of Undies. Nice one's at that... ;)
Let's see.. what else.. had some good parties over the last couple of weeks... I'll post a couple of photos' for ya's... Ummm... Oh yea... My neice Shannyn turned 5 last Sunday. By far one of the coolest kids on the planet. Funny as hell too. Must take after her aunt lol ;)
Oh... got some new kick ass fucking boots. Free mind you... Shit kickin' fuckin knee high black platforms baby!!! Fuckin lovin em! Sweet.
So... that's pretty much it. I'll post some other shite on here for the viewing pleasure... maybe a laugh or two... tee hee.
Lata Fucka's
Some definate good news in the world of Ab, is that I've been just promoted at work. WOOT!! I am now the Queen of Undies. Nice one's at that... ;)
Let's see.. what else.. had some good parties over the last couple of weeks... I'll post a couple of photos' for ya's... Ummm... Oh yea... My neice Shannyn turned 5 last Sunday. By far one of the coolest kids on the planet. Funny as hell too. Must take after her aunt lol ;)
Oh... got some new kick ass fucking boots. Free mind you... Shit kickin' fuckin knee high black platforms baby!!! Fuckin lovin em! Sweet.
So... that's pretty much it. I'll post some other shite on here for the viewing pleasure... maybe a laugh or two... tee hee.
Lata Fucka's
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I Think My Liver's Started Smoking Cigarettes
Soo.... Today's Tuesday and I think I've finally recovered from my weekend... Drank a wee bit... It was one of those weekends that start on Wednesday. Long story short... Wednesday... only had a few.. opened at work on Thursday... Taradise came over Thursday night.. Went to Hunter's .. Drank our body weight in beer... Went to WildCat's after that... Kegs... Home around 6ish... I think... Got up for work Friday... Wanted to Die a million deaths.. Thought my head was going to explode... Again... Wanted to die... Ppl stayed at the apt till I ended up leaving work early. Came home.. People still there... Fast food run... Vegged and got burnt with Taradise till sleep wasn't an option, it was a necessity.. Worked Saturday... Went to my staff party, but not a staff party, party at The Dingo's.... Drank ... Oh did we drink... and whatnot... Taradise came with me... She hit me by the way... (yea I had to include that... and... well it was sorta provoked ... lol.. still fuckin hurts though) Headed home around 5ish... Did fuck all Sunday. Watched the SuperBowl.. That's about it. I think my liver may retalliate against me soon though... I think it was actually trying to escape from my body on Sunday... Still Feeling a little fucked up on Monday... Watched Heroes last night... FUCKING AMAZING EPISODE!! SOoo... yea... now it's today. Doing a whole lot of nothin... may do some chores later... That's about it. Note to self. No liquor till at least Thursday. Maybe Friday... Till next time bitches.
Joke of the Day :)
Three lady friends always meet for lunch onThursdays. One Thursday Anne says, "There's this thing, when I go down on my husband, John, his balls are always cold." "Funny you should say that", says Mary. "my Franks balls are always cold too. "
"EEAUUWWWWWWGHHHHHH" says Nancy, "that's disgusting. How can you both do that?" So her friends tell Nancy that the blow job is the best way to keep her man from straying.
The following Thursday Anne and Mary are in the restaurant waiting for their friend to arrive. In walks Nancy with a huge black eye. What happened to you"? ask her two friends. "Mike hit me" came the reply. Why? ask the girls. "I don't know", says Nancy, "I was giving him the blow job like you told me to, and all I said was, your balls aren't cold like Frank's and John's".
"EEAUUWWWWWWGHHHHHH" says Nancy, "that's disgusting. How can you both do that?" So her friends tell Nancy that the blow job is the best way to keep her man from straying.
The following Thursday Anne and Mary are in the restaurant waiting for their friend to arrive. In walks Nancy with a huge black eye. What happened to you"? ask her two friends. "Mike hit me" came the reply. Why? ask the girls. "I don't know", says Nancy, "I was giving him the blow job like you told me to, and all I said was, your balls aren't cold like Frank's and John's".
I am Monkey... Hear Me Roar.
January 01 - 09, April 01 - 03, June 15 - 20, July 10 - 15 , September 28 - 30 , December 01 - 16.
January 10 - 24, March 16 - 23, April 15 - 26, June 01 - 03, July 01 - 09, August 16 - 25
January 25 - 31, May 22 - 31.
February 01 - 05, March 24 - 31, June 25 - 30, July 27 - 31, September 15 - 27, November 17 - 30.
February 06 - 14, May 14 - 21, July 16 - 26 , September 01 - 14 , December 26 - 31.
February 15 - 21, April 27 - 30, June 04 - 14 , August 26 - 31, October 16 - 27 .
February 22 - 28, April 04 - 14 , October 28 - 31 .
March 01 - 12, May 01 - 13, June 21 - 24 , August 01 - 15, October 01 - 15 , December 17 - 25.
March 13 -15, November 01 - 16 .
If you are a Dog : A very loyal and sweet person. Your loyalty can never be doubted. You are quite honest and sincere when it comes to your attitude towards working. You are a very simple person, indeed. Absolutely hassle free, humble and down-to-earth!! That explains the reason why your friends cling on to you! You have a good taste for clothes. If your wardrobe is not updated with what is trendy, you sure are depressed. Popular and easy-going. You have a little group of dignified friends, all of them being quality-personified.
If you are a Mouse : Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-together's. However, you are sensitive which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath. God bless the person then!
If you are a Lion: Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!! Well, well... hence some people could even take an advantage, flatter you to the maximum and get their work done. So be careful.....
If you are a Cat : An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool but when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.
If you are a Turtle : You are near to perfect and nice at heart. The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people. You, too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return. You are generous enough. Seeing things in a practical light is what remains the best trait of you guys.
If you are a Dove : You symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life. Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected. In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware, it is easy for you to fall in love....
If you are a Panther : You are mysterious. You are someone who can handle pressure with ease, and can handle any atmosphere without going berserk. You can be mean at times, and love to gossip with your selected group. Very prim and proper. You like all situations and things to be in the way you desire, which, sometimes is not possible. As a result, you may lose out in some relationships. But otherwise, you love to help people out from difficult and tight spots when they really need you.
If you are a Monkey : Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quick as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!
January 01 - 09, April 01 - 03, June 15 - 20, July 10 - 15 , September 28 - 30 , December 01 - 16.
January 10 - 24, March 16 - 23, April 15 - 26, June 01 - 03, July 01 - 09, August 16 - 25
January 25 - 31, May 22 - 31.
February 01 - 05, March 24 - 31, June 25 - 30, July 27 - 31, September 15 - 27, November 17 - 30.
February 06 - 14, May 14 - 21, July 16 - 26 , September 01 - 14 , December 26 - 31.
February 15 - 21, April 27 - 30, June 04 - 14 , August 26 - 31, October 16 - 27 .
February 22 - 28, April 04 - 14 , October 28 - 31 .
March 01 - 12, May 01 - 13, June 21 - 24 , August 01 - 15, October 01 - 15 , December 17 - 25.
March 13 -15, November 01 - 16 .
If you are a Dog : A very loyal and sweet person. Your loyalty can never be doubted. You are quite honest and sincere when it comes to your attitude towards working. You are a very simple person, indeed. Absolutely hassle free, humble and down-to-earth!! That explains the reason why your friends cling on to you! You have a good taste for clothes. If your wardrobe is not updated with what is trendy, you sure are depressed. Popular and easy-going. You have a little group of dignified friends, all of them being quality-personified.
If you are a Mouse : Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-together's. However, you are sensitive which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath. God bless the person then!
If you are a Lion: Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!! Well, well... hence some people could even take an advantage, flatter you to the maximum and get their work done. So be careful.....
If you are a Cat : An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool but when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.
If you are a Turtle : You are near to perfect and nice at heart. The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people. You, too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return. You are generous enough. Seeing things in a practical light is what remains the best trait of you guys.
If you are a Dove : You symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life. Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected. In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware, it is easy for you to fall in love....
If you are a Panther : You are mysterious. You are someone who can handle pressure with ease, and can handle any atmosphere without going berserk. You can be mean at times, and love to gossip with your selected group. Very prim and proper. You like all situations and things to be in the way you desire, which, sometimes is not possible. As a result, you may lose out in some relationships. But otherwise, you love to help people out from difficult and tight spots when they really need you.
If you are a Monkey : Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quick as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!
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