So... I feel other than a few random drunken ramblings and posted pics, I haven't chatted in a while on here... In leu... G'day!!! Quite the crazy weekend just happened ... with the full Choxx show on Thursday night (which rocked!) and getting not a whole lot of sleep, maybe 3 hours, I headed to work on Friday at 8 am. Fucking sucked. Made it through the day though... Powerade is my friend. :) After work on Friday, on I think my 10th wind, I did get to get a 15 minute nap/reboot in . Thank fuck... Cause Friday night we got on it pretty hard. lol. With the Chamberlane show and a little get together lasting till Saturday put another dent in my sleeping schedule. (The fire works were fun though eh Taradise!!?!!) A couple hours sleep on a couch at 212 (about an hour after the post below lol) and then me and the boys were off to get some food at Hunters. Fucking HUGE portions there by the way... After that Brett and I headed home ... Slept for about an hour then off to work. Feelin like a bag of shit.... To say the least. Then after work Sat night, I had my staff party. Trying not to drink, for the fear of death, I ended up having a couple of shooters, go figure, then managed to head home around 1:30. And boy, did I sleep a rock!!! Work again on Sunday, then sunday night, went to Annaconda's for a Potluck/Xmas Gift swap with all the girls. Got some pretty sweet stuff... Thanks girls!!! :) And Totally ate my face off. ... Lasagna, Walking Natchos, Pasta Salad, Bruchetta, etc... Fucking YUMMMMMM!!!! I Headed out pretty early sun night, nabbed me a brett from his work then Shut 'er down. Worked yesterday, and now off today. I have I think about a thousand things to do today. Just taking some time to post on here... :) So... summing up the weekend in short, Rock and Roll bitches :P Good times and Chamberlane will definately be missed. Hope to hear them again .... Till next time fuckers.
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