Sunday, December 31, 2006
Out With The Old.... In With The New...
So... It's New Year's Eve... Holy Fuck. Brett and I are going to have a little get together here tonight... I'm thinking it's going to be a good time :) Our fridge is already half stocked full of beer and champagne ... Brett works till around 10 pm or so, but the night is only young at that point!! It's going to be pretty weird doing something completely different this year, being the boys are away now and times are a little different... but I'm sure we'll all have a blast! And to everyone else HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Party It Up!! I'll be posting some pics of the night prob tomorrow... So tune in kiddies! Should be some interesting photos LOL Till next time bitches. See ya next year!! :)
Friday, December 29, 2006
I got these sketches from a myspace by Jess Caldwell, a 16 year old from Edmonton, AB. Fucking blows me away how good she is. I already messaged her telling her that she fucking rocks!!!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
21 Things You Can Only Get Away With Saying At Christmas
1. I prefer breasts to legs
2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.
3. Smother the butter all over the breasts!
4. If I don't undo my trousers, I'll burst!
5. I've never seen a better spread!
6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.
7. Are you ready for seconds yet?
8. It's a little dry; do you still want to eat it?
9. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!
10. Don't play with your meat.
11. Stuff it up between the legs as far as it will go.
12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?
13. I didn't expect everyone to come at the same time!
14. You still have a little bit on your chin.
15. How long will it take after you put it in?
16. You'll know it's ready when it pops up.
17. Just pull the end and wait for the bang.
18. That's the biggest bird I've ever had!
19. I'm so full, I've been gobbling nuts all morning
20. Wow, I didn't think I could handle all that and still want more!
21. I do like a good stuffing.
1. I prefer breasts to legs
2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.
3. Smother the butter all over the breasts!
4. If I don't undo my trousers, I'll burst!
5. I've never seen a better spread!
6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.
7. Are you ready for seconds yet?
8. It's a little dry; do you still want to eat it?
9. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!
10. Don't play with your meat.
11. Stuff it up between the legs as far as it will go.
12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?
13. I didn't expect everyone to come at the same time!
14. You still have a little bit on your chin.
15. How long will it take after you put it in?
16. You'll know it's ready when it pops up.
17. Just pull the end and wait for the bang.
18. That's the biggest bird I've ever had!
19. I'm so full, I've been gobbling nuts all morning
20. Wow, I didn't think I could handle all that and still want more!
21. I do like a good stuffing.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Evenin' Y'all's
G'day... LOL As Ms Taradise and I sit here and have a couple of beers ... listenin' to some Nirvana... Tara's gone to pee... hahhaha... A little smashed.. :)
So tomorrow's Xmas eve... gonna go in a whirl wind.. gotta work. bah
don't know where to go out to tonight... have a feeling everywhere's fucking packed. Headin out now... ciao till next time bitches!!!!!!!!!!
So tomorrow's Xmas eve... gonna go in a whirl wind.. gotta work. bah
don't know where to go out to tonight... have a feeling everywhere's fucking packed. Headin out now... ciao till next time bitches!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, December 22, 2006
New and Improved
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

John Lennon and Yoko Ono, New York City, December 8, 1980. Annie Leibovitz's most famous portrait. Hours after this photo was taken, John Lennon was murderd outside of his apartment building in New York City.
Holy Fucking Long Survey Batman!
A Million and One Things about Me...
Name? Abbarooo
Age? 28
Sex? Female
Birth Date? August 7
Hair Color? Red
Eye Color? Blue
Height? 5-10
Piercings? ears and belly button
Tattoos? 2, butterfly on my lwr back and panda on my leg
What are you wearing right now? shirt and black cords
Hair style at the moment? Long
* Favorites *
Soda? rootbeer
Food? natchos
Alcoholic Drink? Vodka/7up/pineapple
Time of day? 6:47 pm
Season? fall
Day of the week? Fridays now.. Used to be Sundays
Song at the moment? Supernova/It's all Love
Color? Blue
Style of clothes? Jeans/Tshirt
Store? LaSenza, of course!
Website? ;)
Magazine? Vogue or RollingStone
Kind of pet? Cat
* Worst *
Place to be? In Jail
Kind of pet? Shark
Drink? Prune Juice... Yeeck
Food? Brussel Sprouts
Celebrity? Jessica Simpson annoys the crap out of me
Type of music? Not a big country fan...
* Daily Life *
When do you get up? When I wake up
What is your first thought? Oh... Im awake
What do you do first? Get out of bed or hit snooze
What's your usual outfit? jeans/cords and a tshirt
What time do you go to bed? Sometimes never
* Do you...*
Brush your teeth daily? Yea
Brush your hair daily? NOt always... curly hair
Shower daily? pretty much
Sing? I like to... not so good at it though
Dance? When ever I can
Party? Oh yea...
Get drunk? Giddy up...
Have sex? You betcha
Listening to music a lot? Whenever I can
Read magazines? Not often, but I do
Go online a lot? Pretty much every day
Have a religion? I'm an athiest, does that count? lol
Have an IPod?nope
Want an IPod?yep
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend? Boyfriend, no, husband, yes
Play an instrument? Not very well...
Get sick a lot? not really
Watch TV? Quite a bit... Kinda an addiction actually
Like MTV? only ever seen a couple of shows... it's ok I guess
Like VH1? Behind the music shit rocks
Have Digital Cable? nope... just cable
Have more than 500 channels on your TV? I wish
Still use your CD player? rarely
Stalk people? I'm not legally allowed to talk about it... lol
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List? I'd say.. There's a lot
Have dial-up internet? Never again... too fucking slow
Know HTML? LOL no..
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap? Not really
Blues and/or Jazz? I like blues
Classical? Not much... but I do like it
Pop? sometimes
Country? not really
Emo/Scremo? Not really
Heavy Metal? Yepp
Christian? Never
Techno? Not Really
Reggae? Some
Broadway Musical songs? Not really
Oldies? Yepp
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now? I'm allright
Are you eating something? Nope
Are you drinking something? water
Are you IMing anyone? Jacqueline and Headly
Are you talking on the phone with someone? Nope
Are you talking face to face with someone? Nope
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there? Nope
What song are you listening to? Storm Large - Ladylike
What are you watching on TV? Nothing
What other websites do you have open? Limewire and MSN
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts? Yea... and they freak me out
Aliens? Yea...
God? Nope... But good I do
The devil? Nope... but evil I do
Heaven? Nope... nothin but clouds
Hell? Core of the earth
Yourself? Most of the time
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before? Nope
Have you been to another country? nope
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends? For sure
Been to Australia? Nope
Do you like snakes? They're ok
Ever cried to get your own way? No
Ever broken a bone? Nope
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week? 6 days was my most
Ever had serious surgery? nope
Ever looked a porn online? maybe... lol
Ever bought clothes at Walmart? Yea... they have nice tshirts
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army? again with the tshirts lol
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans? nope...
Ever been on stage for any reason? Yepp
Ever been in a play? a couple
Ever been in a choir? nope
Ever been in a band? uh... no
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument? some piano, clarinet and guitar
Waxed your eyebrows? Yepp
Waxed your legs? Nope
Cut yourself shaving? Like you have no idea... still have the scars
Have you ever died? almost
Was this survey an good at all? Fucking long...
What time is it right now? 7:23 pm
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Rock and Roll Bitches....

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