Hey all... So it's been a while since I've done a written post, so I figured I do a little ditty...
So, overall I've have a few changes in my life lately. Lost a dear loved one, and opened my eyes to how fragile life can be. Heartache that I never knew could have been fathomable.
Sidenote altogether, Continuing along with my collection of comics, adding to the masses. lol . Lovin it. Thanks to Lightning Bolt Comics ... Always seeming to find what I'm looking for :) Niiiiice...
Still haven't seen the new Batman movie, which I am ashamed to admit... cause well... It's Batman, self explanatory.... Sigh to me. Boourns...
So Yea, Having a couple of glasses of vino. Enjoying the evening, and embarassingly enough, listening to Alanis Morisette. But fuck, girl can sing... And well, some of her songs are catchy. You know you know some of the words haha.
Well... That's all, for now anyhow... nice catching up ya'll. Got some new pics, I promise... I'll post when available :)
Later Sk8ers